Our Team

Our Clinical Team

At Goode Health we can build packages for you around one or all of our clinical and expert specialisms to suit your needs. Book a call to discuss options.

Nicole Goode

Clinic Founder & Functional Medicine Practitioner

Nicole is the founder of the Goode Health Clinic and a passionate advocate of integrative, personalised medicine so that everyone can live in optimal health. From stress and burnout to immune health conditions and lack of energy, our modern life is driving chronic health conditions. It’s time to optimise, live well and be the best version of yourself. Book a call.

Certified Functional Medicine Consultant CFMHC AFMCP
Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner BANT CNHC
Registered Nutritionist BANT

Dr Lafina Diamandis

GP & Lifestyle Medicine Doctor

Dr Lafina is an integral part of the team, as a medical GP and lifestyle medicine doctor, Lafina offers our patients a holistic whole body approach to conventional medicine.

At Goode Health we can offer you a full package integrating conventional and functional medicine. Not only does this bring your care under one roof it gives you access to an approach that works for you.

Book a Call if you would like to discuss the options.

Lorna Devine


Lorna is a psychologist and high performance coach to individuals dealing with stress and anxiety, helping you to optimise your mind for wellbeing and success.

At Goode Health we know the mind and body are inextricably connected and many a time we need to work on both to achieve your goals. We can offer you a full package integrating functional medicine with psychology.

Book a Call if you would like to discuss the options.

Our Team

Our Expert Team

Gemma Merna

Hypnotherapist, Meditation Coach & Yoga Instructor

Gemma is a hypnotherapist, meditation coach and yoga instructor who supports our patients with anxiety, stress and when trauma is an underlying root cause. Gemma can support our clients with an individual modality, or a combination of her expertise. Gemma can also provide strength support helping you with an exercise programme.

Our Team

Our Support Team

Hope Phillipson

Creative Assistant

Hope joined the Goode Health Team almost from day one and has been an integral part ever since. Hope supports in all things creative and social media.

Anne Ochoa

Podcast Editor

Anne supports the team by managing and editing The Goode Health podcast, helping make it happen so we can get episodes out to you weekly. With a background in immunology Anne is well placed to support our team.

If you are looking for a podcast editor for your health & wellness podcast drop an email here and quote NICOLE.

Join the Team

Think you have what it takes to make a great addition to our team? Reach out below.