Have you ever used these two excuses...

  • The kids keep making me sick!

  • It's just an age thing!

The kids keep making me sick...

How many times have you said or heard someone say, the children bring everything home from school, we keep getting sick, it's goes around the whole family.

The fact is your children have developing immune systems and are coming into contact with viruses and bacteria they haven't come across before, getting sick allows their adaptive immune system to grow and develop.

You have likely come up against these bugs before, so you should have some immunity. It's not your kids' fault if you haven't worked on balancing your immune system, or you have lived a life that has impacted your immune function.

Recently I was working with a client on optimising his health. We worked on his immune function, gut health and adrenals. A few months later I'm working with his wife. Why?

Because in her words the children now think their dad is superhuman.

While the whole house has gone down with repeated colds and bugs from school, the dad has been fighting fit. Now the wife admitted that she was dubious about working on gut health to improve his health and immune function, she wasn't convinced it would work.

But the proof is in the pudding and now she wants to be as the children say... superhuman too! (Or at least in optimal health)

So maybe it's time to take action for yourself!

It's just an age thing... How often have you said or heard this.

Often, it's not just an age thing, it isn't just inevitable, it's not just a result that you have to accept and allow.

Let's look at Alzheimer's, many often put this down to age but it's actually not, it's not a given that as you age you will develop Alzheimer's. It's also not a gene thing, actually less than 1 in 100 cases are due to genetics.

The good news is that this means there are steps you can take to benefit your brain health and stave off diseases like Alzheimer's. Simple changes like diet and lifestyle help keep you optimally healthy.


We hear it talked about a lot these days, we are always battling with anti-aging products or techniques, but what actually is longevity?

Longevity is your lifespan, how long you live.

Longevity is important, of course we all want to live longer, but living longer is no fun if you aren't living well.

Our healthspan is the time you live 'healthily', free from major disease, or disability.

So if you live to 90, that's your longevity (sometimes called your lifespan), if you get to 86 without any major issues but then you get dementia, or a stroke for example, your healthspan is 86 years.

Healthspan is important. We all want longevity, but we want longevity with an extended healthspan.

Basically we want to live well for longer!

Preventative medicine is key to looking at expanding your healthspan and your longevity, to help you live in a state of optimal health for as long as possible.

If you want to talk about what you can do to reach optimal health click here.


Prevention is better than a cure.


Why you can't compare your thyroid antibody results to others?