Could your water be affecting your Autoimmunity?

More than 60% of our body is made up of water, we advise you to drink plenty of water all the time, but have you ever actually considered that your water could be triggering your autoimmune disease?

Dehydration impairs our body’s metabolic processes and also our immune function, so staying hydrated is important. However, we also know that things like bacteria, heavy metals and chemicals can be a trigger for autoimmunity. Unfortunately, a lot of these are contained in our water.

Most people know that blood is made up of a vast amount of water, but did you know that the lymphatic system makes up 4 times the volume of blood. The lymphatic system is an essential part of the immune system, removing cellular waste. Without enough water it can suffer and worsen our autoimmune symptoms.

However we have to balance hydrating ourselves with chemical, bacterial, heavy metal intake. Not drinking water is not an option. Instead we have to look at how best we consume our water.

Trichloroethylene is an industrial solvent that pollutes water, it can effect some of our immunological functions such as immunosuppression, hypersensitivity, and autoimmune-related effects..

Tap water can become contaminated though pipes, bottled water through the plastic.

Want a copy of my water filter guide? Join The Goode Health Club


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