Does Adrenal Fatigue exist?

Adrenal fatigue is a term that is thrown around a lot.

Practitioners call this HPA axis dysfunction, which stands for hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal and means the interconnections between these, which is the interconnections between the brain and the adrenals.

So, the question is does HPA axis dysfunction exist, and the answer is yes. look at the scientific research papers on it.

So next time you want support with someone who says adrenal fatigue doesn't exist, tell them you have or suspect HPA axis dysfunction and tell them there are 4000+ research papers available for them to read.

A whole body approach to the adrenals.

Functional Medicine is all about taking a whole body approach.

We never look at one part of the body alone.

Your body is an interconnected web, and it should be treated as such.

  • The Brain

  • The Thyroid

  • The Adrenals

are very interlinked and it's where my specialist training is focused.

Signals from the brain are what tell the adrenals to release hormones.

  • The adrenals and the thyroid work together to provide hormones for the body.

  • The thyroid is signalled by the brain.

  • The brain can cut off cortisol production if you run 'on the gas' for too long.

  • High cortisol levels in the blood use a negative feedback loop to signal to the brain to slow production, the same part of the brain that signals thyroid hormone production so this slows too.

  • Stress hormones can impact thyroid hormone conversion.

  • Symptoms of fatigue can be caused by brain dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction or a mix (as well as other causes).

Why would you look at one part of the body when your body is this interlinked.

This is functional medicine.

Exercise tips for Adrenal Fatigue

  • Avoid high intensity workouts, measure your heart rate to assess intensity aim for 120bpm no more.

  • Avoid circuit training where high intensity is interspersed with short breaks, research suggests that these short breaks can be worse for the adrenals. If you take break let the heart rate come completely back down to normal resting rate before continuing.

  • Resistance training with body weight, resistance bands, TRX, light weights or swimming can be beneficial.

  • Use walking outside in nature as your exercise this is hugely beneficial on both fronts, the exercise and being in nature for the adrenals. Or make exercise fun gardening or playing with the children in the garden.

  • The type of exercise is dependent on where your cortisol levels are, get your adrenals tested and build a programme with a practitioner.

Personalise your health

Our plans are all bespoke to you and your health, we assess your case as an individual to find underlying imbalances that could be impacting you.

What’s Included -

  • A comprehensive, functional adrenal test.

  • A 60min comprehensive functional lifestyle appointment with Nicole.

  • A functional optimisation plan sent out to you.

  • A follow up call 4 weeks later for you to ask any questions. nPLUS much more !

It's time to look at your body as a whole, but you as an individual.

Book a free package enquiry call and start your journey to Goode Health


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